Maintenance 1On – going maintenance is very important but does not need to be the burden most people visualise. The best designed systems require minimum maintenance. Every system requires desludging periodically.  In domestic circumstances this can vary depending on the loading on the system. Some people are willing and well capable of maintaining their own systems. Others choose to engage help in this regard. We can quickly guide whoever on the correct procedures for determining maintenance requirements. For example, a household of 4 people using a septic tank and percolation, correctly designed and installed, with 30 minute annual inspection may require bi-annual desludging at a cost of less than €150 by a local licensed desludging contractor. That works out at €75 per annum for peace of mind and compliance.

Our philosophy of site assessment and design of systems is weighted by the consideration of life long maintenance and the costs associated with this. Intuitively, the more complicated a system, the higher the associated maintenance costs will be. We at   see this as a fundamental part of our duty to you in designing a system. If we can engineer circumstances to facilitate treatment by the least complicated system, we will do so.